Today I’ll tell you about our hero’s way of life and give some interesting facts and figures.
On the latest open day I asked Sapog some questions about consumption of resources on his farm.
Food. Paul has a meal one time and a half every day. Why one and a half? He has a full meal for dinner and in the morning he eats leftovers. For dinner he usualy has some pottage. He has no lunch so that not to waste time on cooking and save products. For pottage and dessert Paul has three handfuls of grain, wheat or peas (about 150-180 g), one onion and one head of garlic, a pinch of salt (about 1 teaspoon), a handful of dried apples (about 80 g), a large spoon of honey. In addition he uses about 450 g of flour a week. These are resources that Pavel has from the start of the project. Besides he eats eggs, mushrooms and so on, but I have no information about it.